
Friday, January 18, 2008

D.O.B/D.O.D- Born June 11, 1815- January 26, 1879.

Birthplace- She was born in Calcutta, India.

At what age did he/she began photographing- Julia started in 1863 when she was 48, her daughter gave it to her as a present.

Important influences- Her influences was pre-raphaelite with far away looks and limp poses and soft lighting.

Contemporaries, influences or other- Her contemporaries include Oscar Gustave Rejlander and Lewis Coroll.

What he/she photographs- Julia shoots mostly portraits

Description of style- She photographs documentary and portraiture and they have a spiritual sensibility.

Major contributions[portfolio/ book/ other]- She was the first women photographer and are romantic photographer.

Other publication contributions- She wrote for New York magazine and Rolling Stone, covering the Watergate incident.

Critical overview- People thought her work was important and inspirering for a women photographer.

Your conclusion- I think Julia Margaret Cameron's photographs because they are old and very inspirering to people who want to become photographers especially women.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

This relates to school because this guy is walking a bike and a bunch of people ride bikes to school all the time.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Environmental portrait

I think this picture is a deeper function because it is a guy sitting at a diner expressing his feelings.

Yes because it looks like it is during different time period.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

This is another picture of my 2 year old sister. She is sitting outside at her picnic table with her baby doll. When i took this picture i didn't know she was staring at the cat walking behind me. This still turned out to be a really good picture.

This picture is a photo of a couple of my favorite volleyball chicas. It not very good cause it is blurry but it is still my favorite.

This is my baby sister Emma she is 2 years old. I thought this picture was a good photo because it was out side, some leafs have fallen of the tree and she was playing. So I took when she was off guard and wound up with a great picture.

This is my niece Mackenzie she is 4 years old i took this picture because it was a perfect moment because she was so excited that she was opening her Christmas present that i gave her.